Friday, February 19, 2010

Koi Pond App

Do you love the pond in URU's Eder Kemo Age? Like to watch those large Koi-like fish swim around? Well, The Blimp Pilots may not kow the Dn'i Art of writing but they certainly have X-Code down. Koi Pond, the best selling iPod Touch app in 2008, is an interactive application that allows users to set multiple configuration options for their own virtual pond.

Want to change the water color, number of fish and lily pads? There are multiple options for each.

Ambient background noises can be set to chirping birds, a sloft blowing wind, frog croaks or cicada sounds. There are also options to make it rain or to dim the sunlight.

The graphics are crisp and you can actually interact with the water and fish with the touch of your finger. Splash noises and ripple effects follow any touch of your "pond."

Chase the fish around by tapping the water or call them to you by gently pressing your finger to the touch screen.

Want to feed your little virtual Koi? Shake your iPod to release food flakes and watch them dart and eat.

For .99 you can't beat this well written and enjoyable iPod Touch/iPhone application.

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